The Six Step Method

My name is Coach Mel and I’m your 54-year-old chubby, Italian best friend from North Carolina, originally a Yooper from Upper Michigan! With over 14 years as an addictions counselor and after years of yo-yo dieting, January 25th, 2023, I came up with The Six Step Method. We were originally called Chubby Girl Challenge. After helping over 6000 women applying these six steps, to not only feel better, but regain a healthy relationship with food. I launched the book.

  After 2 I am proud to say, I am maintained a 62 lb and 74 inches. As the founder of the Chubby Girl Challenge and Lifestyle! I need you to know we are not just another weight loss group.....We are a movement! After 1000's of women came together this last two years and applied these proven steps. They have successfully shrunk and kept it off. We have women like myself who are doing it naturally, on medication or have had surgery/sleeve, EVERY WOMAN IS WELCOME!!

 I will teach you how to eat in a healthy way to maximize your loss and to obtain sustainability, the best part, we do NOT count calories or carbs! I am proud to launch the tools you need for success. Come and join us on Facebook for a free community of like minded women to support you through your journey!

Love- Mel

Let me help you live your best life, and together, let’s help others!